Through It All

2017 has been an interesting year. The new year is coming so quickly and with it being Thanksgiving, I can’t help but think of all that I’m thankful for.

I’m thankful for all the people that have been a part of my life this year, even if you’re not any longer. People come and go and they add something to your life. I’ve made new friends and I’m so thankful for them. And I have an amazing family that I’m so blessed to be part of.

I’m thankful for all the new experiences I had. I went camping (like serious camping in the legit woods in a tent), I flew to North Carolina, I quit my job and was able to be a full-time student, and I watched my best friend become a mom. There are many more, but these are just the highlights.

I’m thankful for my Jesus family. There was so much happening in that part of my life than ever before. I’m so thankful for the Eminent Worship services, for the Wednesday night classes that are always on point, and the sisters (and brothers) in Christ that I have and have met. My soul has been so full of God’s love this year.

Most importantly, I’m thankful for the relationship that grew between my Father and I. I’m thankful for the confirmation I’ve been given over and over again from Him. I’m thankful for all the ways He has lead me and loved me this year. I’m thankful for the pruning and for the growth. I’m thankful for the boldness and trust and faith that has increased because of Him. I’m thankful for the sweet whispers of truth just when I needed them most. I am thankful that He loves me and that is never going to change.

Graduation is coming soon. In roughly 22 days, I’ll be walking across the stage, clad in my cap and gown. I have ideas about what is in store, but with God, nothing is impossible. I’m thankful for what is to come. This year has been a wild adventure, one that I wouldn’t take back. I’m excited to see where this journey will continue to take me.

With love and grace, thank you for reading.


A Work Of Art Called Love

This semester, I’ve been working on a photography project about signs/experiences from God.

Tonight, after a busy and gray day, I trotted into church, Bible in hand. A few minutes in, I spoke out about how recently, I’ve truly been missing someone. The longing for their presence has been constant and a little disheartening. I’m healing, right? Why am I feeling this way and when will it stop? I ask for a prayer request for myself. Class moves on and my mind eases. At the end, I asked two ladies to share any story they have about a sign or experience they had that they know without a doubt was God. After they shared their stories with me, they both asked me how this project started.

I’ve been thinking about it recently and it all started because I went through a breakup earlier this year. After the breakup, I couldn’t do anything. I was lost. I was searching. I was so sure that he was a part of God’s plan for me– that we should be together. Confused and heartbroken, I started reaching for God– calling out to Him like never before. I was listening to worship music all the time (which, if you knew me, I liked worship music alright, but not much). I was reading devotionals and the Bible and attending church any time the doors were open. I even started going to additional worship events. I wanted to be close to God. I wanted to know what He wanted for me. I thought I knew before, but I only knew what wanted. I didn’t want to make that mistake anymore.

I started learning about Gideon and how he asked God for signs. And I started learning about Ruth and the disciples and how they did whatever God said. “Because you say so, I will.” [Luke 5:5] I became incredibly interested in how God guides. I started questioning if any people I knew may have had a sign from God like Gideon did. And I started having moments myself where God brought me confirmation.

When this semester started, we could pick any topic to photograph. Whatever we picked would be what we spent a whole semester focusing on. I picked signs from God. Literally. I chose to photograph churches and their signs. That did not work out at all. Then I started asking people to tell me their stories and I would make their portrait and record their story– this did not work either. After my second disappointing critique, I spent about three weeks trying to decide if I should even continue. Part of me wanted to keep going, the other part of me just wanted to give up. Finally, I decided to compose a photo based on the story but I still wasn’t sure how to incorporate the actual story. One morning, while preparing for class, the idea came to me. I stepped out of the shower and BAM! it just hit me. I decided to ask people to write their stories in a book. (I know that this idea came from God). So here we go again, third try is the charm, right? Right! This critique went excellent and everybody thought I executed the project well. So that is what I have been doing and where I’m at now.

After I left church tonight, I was driving home, with so much on my mind. Thinking about my breakup and thinking about this project and as I drove, God gave me a thought. If the breakup had not have happened, not only would I not be as close to Him as I am now, but I would not be doing this project. Tears welled up in my eyes and I cried; it was a happy cry! A thankful and praising cry! An understanding cry! The whole reason I was inspired to do this project in the first place was because of my desire to know what God wants for me. Because of everything, I have been able to glorify God and witness to others that I might not have ever attempted to witness to! I’m comforted to know that I am being used in this way. It makes me know that all of my struggle was worth it.

Whenever I start feeling down about the way things ended, I just remind myself that God has a plan. And if I allow Him to, He can use my trials as triumphs for His kingdom.

With love and grace, think about how God has used you.




Faith vs Fear

Lately, I have been seeing how God has allowed me to minister to others without me even realizing that it was Him. Within the past week, two friends have told me that I have made an impression on them in different ways. Hearing that brought tears to my eyes– it awed me. I know that what I did wasn’t me– it was God. I once heard a preacher say, “The bad stuff that I do– that’s me. The good stuff– that’s God.” That’s completely true– I’m not a wonderful person just because I exist and I am. Whatever wonderfulness that comes from me comes from He who is living in me. On my own, I am nothing.

I want God to use me. I want to shine my Light and be the Salt of the Earth. I’ve always been intimidated to do the things that I think I should do, things that I want to do. And for the past few months, if I felt any compelling to do something, I do it. I know that’s the Holy Spirit weighing on my heart and mind.

I’ve let the enemy use fear to disable me too often– I’ve lost so many opportunities before because I was too scared. I know that fear is from the enemy. Fear means false evidence appearing real. But you know what I have that defeats fear? Faith. Fear ain’t in this house.

If I have faith that my Father wants what is best for me in life, that His promises will not be broken, and that He is always working for my good– what do I have to fear?

Fear holds you back. The enemy doesn’t want you to succeed. He wants to stall you and stop you. He wants the exact opposite of what God wants– God wants to prosper you and give you hope! [Jeremiah 29:11]

Fix your eyes on God. When Peter stepped out of that boat, headed towards Jesus, he was able to walk on the water. He had his eyes fixed on Jesus and his faith in Jesus. Then, he took his eyes off of God and let fear creep in, and began to sink.

You and I can walk on water too, if we fix our eyes on God and hold onto our faith in Him.

With love and grace, take His hand and step out of that boat.