Summer of Hope

Thinking about this summer, I realized I hadn’t written about it on here, which is something I meant to do when I came back to these Alabama pines. If you have a few minutes, I’m going to share with you my beautiful summer. Long post ahead.

In April, I learned that I was going to be a Servant Leader at Big Creek Missions in Leslie County, Kentucky. The devil fought with me up to the time I left for Kentucky and even the first week I was there. He tried to use fear against me. What was there to be afraid of? Giving up an entire summer to go 450 miles away to a place that I had never been with people I’d never met– that was a little intimidating. Not only was it intimidating, it was also exhilarating! I was so excited but he tried to put doubt in my mind. He tried to make me feel like I didn’t belong there. But I knew within my heart of heart that I was meant to be there, that I had been called by God to go and serve Him and His people. 

The first week, I was partnered up with another girl in the Community ministry– her name was Lindsey and she was sweet and country as cornbread. Together, we led a group in different projects, from working at The Pantry, to visiting adult daycares, to delivering food to families. We had an awesome time with our first group of the summer and I learned a lot about Big Creek that week.

The next week would be my first solo week, in a completely different area, I would be the leader for the Food Truck– it’s not really a truck, it’s a Food Whatever-Vehicle-Is-Available. What the Food Truck team does is head to Manchester, Kentucky (about 20 minutes from Big Creek hq), set up at five different locations, and serve people hot meals. Our target is children, but we also serve adults. Prior to this week, I had NO training at all in this specific ministry. Our director, Kevin, gave me all the information he could, and then sent me on my way. I had to trust God blindly– I was “walking on water.”

On that Monday, I woke up incredibly nervous. I wish I could remember off the top of my head how many people we served, but I can’t. What I do remember is that it went well, we served and loved people, and I had an outstanding team. My first solo team: Leslie, Robin, Tom aka “Shippy,” Devin, Jaxon, Aiden, Karla, and Aaron. They were such a wonderful team– we had so much fun and I learned so much with them! They were patient and understanding and offered great advice on how to operate the Food Truck. They hold a special place in my heart!

After that first week, I felt like I did belong at Big Creek. And my feelings of belonging only grew from there. Soon, I started to feel like I had always been there.

We served a multitude of people over the course of 10 weeks. I met so many sweet souls. Souls that were lost and souls that were found. Souls that were down on their luck and souls that simply needed a little extra that week. Souls that God loved, just as much as He loves the rest of us. I don’t know if I’ll ever see any of them again but I hope they know I pray for them and how they truly touched my heart. All my sweet and wild little ones– too many to name. And all my loving adult friends, Mrs. Gail, Mrs. Doris, Mrs. Janice, and Mrs. Joanne. I’m so blessed to have known them.

Each week, I had the best teams. All of my groups were so God-loving and devoted to serving. They all hold a special spot in my heart and exist in memories I’ll never let go of.

The staff I worked with was also the best. They all love the Lord with all their heart and gave up an entire summer, friends, relationships, vacations, etc., to serve. They are all impeccable individuals. Thank you for opening your hearts and arms to me, a complete and total newbie. I love you all more than I can ever express. Shoutout to the whole staff of Big Creek 2018!

When you serve at Big Creek, you serve 24/7 basically. You help in so many areas, from cooking, serving, cleaning, office duty, to your daily mission field with your volunteers. Your days are long and your sleep is little. It’s both incredibly exhausting and fulfilling at the same time. You deny yourself to serve others. If you want to be on staff at Big Creek, you better want to go because you feel like you’ve been called. Don’t go just to have a summer job, go because God has laid it on your heart.

Big Creek changed me. I’ve never experienced anything like it. I’ve never been surrounded by so many Christ-centered people. I’ve never felt so encouraged or strong. It was the most amazing adventure of my life– physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I don’t know why God called me to go but I am so honored and thankful that He did.

I fell in love with the rolling mountains and the winding roads. I fell in love with the small town life and the quiet mist of early mornings. I fell in love with the beautiful and unforgettable people. Mostly, I fell even more in love with Jesus.

I could write forever and ever about Big Creek but the main thing I want to say is go. Go to Big Creek. Take your church, take your friends, take your family, or just take yourself. Go serve God. You won’t ever regret it.

Rein Those Emotions Back In

Man oh man does the devil like to try and pry his way into my life and take my joy. We don’t fight against flesh, we fight against the powers of darkness. Y’all, I want everybody to be happy. And I get mad at myself when I feel anything but happiness for others.

Tonight, when I got that text, it wrecked me. And I felt all these emotions at once– anger, hurt, betrayal, loss, confusion, jealousy, shock. Angry at people from my past and the words they said and promises they made that no longer mattered. Angry at my God for this all happening and feeling like I’ve been left out. Angry at myself for being angry in the first place at anybody! Sure, people will say I have a right to feel hurt because at one point in my life, I believed that I would be that girl. BUT I’M NOT THAT GIRL. THAT ISN’T MY STORY, THAT ISN’T WHAT GOD HAS WRITTEN FOR ME.

So I jumped up, ran out the door, and left. I called a friend. I met some friends. I texted some friends. I prayed with them and they prayed with me. I talked to God and I listened. And He spoke. He whispered the truth to me like He always does, just when I need it most.

He told me a few things.
First, He told me that this anger and hurt I was feeling was from satan. The devil was trying to steal my joy. A big part of my testimony involves these folks and I’m so thankful for them. And the devil knows how God has worked in me to feel that way. The devil wanted me to backslide.
Second, He told me that His timing is perfect. I knew that this would happen, I just didn’t think it would be so soon. And I hoped that at least when it did, I would have someone and that it wouldn’t hurt. But the truth is, it was going to hurt. And God knew that. So He didn’t send me someone yet because I wasn’t ready. And I didn’t even know it. Funny how our God knows so much more than us, huh?
Third, He told me that this was the last step. I needed to feel this to be completely finished. I thought I was this summer, but I was wrong. And now I can pick up those last little fragments of my heart and continue on my way, towards the Healer.

I could’ve let my emotions continue to run wild– that’s what satan wanted from me. But God’s voice is louder than his. And I stopped and listened. I prayed with my sweet friends for this whole situation, for blessings, for healing. Prayer changes things and it changes us. Don’t listen to the voice that goes against the Word but aligns with the world. That voice won’t bring you joy or peace, but the Father’s voice will.