Not Today

Hello sweet friends,

I have to be honest with y’all. The enemy has truly been attacking me. Initially, I didn’t realize that it was the enemy. I was so upset– he got me so upset that I had an anxiety attack! I woke up so anxious still the following morning. It was rough, very rough. And it all came after a beautiful night of worship. So when I woke up the next morning, I wanted to believe it was all a dream. But like most of life, it was real and unable to be wished away.

I forced myself out of bed and into the car, driving around and blasting worship music. Worshipping our Heavenly Father is my favorite and also what helps me the most when I’m hurting or upset. It’s also when I hear God the clearest talking to me.

Anyways, as I said, I was so upset and I was trying to work through my emotions. I finally pulled my car over to the side of the road and collapsed into sobs. Not even one minute in, my phone started ringing and it was my Bible study teacher calling. Isn’t God’s timing perfect? Just when I needed uplifting the most, the best person for the job called me and lifted me up. She talked to me about how she believed Satan was attacking me. He used my biggest weakness against me– relationships.

Why was he attacking me? Because he knows I’m going to do something awesome for God this summer. He knows God has a wonderful plan for me and he wants to stop it. The night before, at the Revival, the message was about roadblocks and how Satan tries to put up roadblocks to stop us from reaching our destiny. When God started giving me this realization and helping me to put this altogether, I became angered with Satan and it made me worship God even LOUDER. Satan wants one thing– to steal your joy. But my joy comes from the Lord.

It’s not easy, but being a believer doesn’t mean life will be easy. Being a believer means that even though life is hard, we aren’t alone. And everything will turn out good. My favorite verse says, “And we know all things work together for good for those who love God and seek first Him and His righteousness.” [Romans 8:28]

I took what Satan tried to harm me with and used it to glorify God. I chose love and joy and forgiveness. I could’ve played the victim or truly used how my flesh felt I was being wronged as an excuse to be hateful or spiteful or whatnot. But I prayed to the Holy Spirit and asked Him to be LOUDER than my feelings. I asked Him to lead, guide, direct and protect me.

Not today, Satan. Not any day. You won’t steal my joy! You won’t stop me from reaching my destiny! I am more pumped than ever for this summer! All Satan did was fuel my fire for the Lord!